About Us
Family Passion - Rearing and Flying Birds Of Prey with Willie Corcoran
As a Falconer and owner of Mayfield Birds Of Prey, Willie Corcoran is used to being surrounded by beautiful birds. A family man, Willie got his first taste for raptors in the early 1990’s when after rearing pigeons a neighbour dropped an injured hawk to Willie to care for and this sparked an interest and love of birds of prey.
The birds of prey centre is a one of it’s kind in Ireland. The centre is based at the local workhouses in Kilmacthomas, nowadays the popular stop off for people exploring the Waterford Greenway by bike which runs from Waterford to Dungarvan along the old railyway line.
It’s rare to meet someone who has such a passion and love in what they do. Customers are drawn in by the stories he has for each bird and the descriptions of their personalities. Willie strongly believes in promoting wildlife and their welfare and his love of his birds is evident for everyone who comes to visit.
Willie’s wife Bridget and their kids are all involved in the business helping him train and look after the birds. Willie’s dad John has been instrumental in building the centre with a background as a carpenter. Together the Corcorans have taken on the challenge of sharing their love for birds with everyone.
The sanctuary has 20 birds of prey and is open year round for tourists and locals alike to come and visit.